Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Blogging, eh? Then here's about me.

Excuse me if my blogs sound pretty lame to everyone. I always thought blogging was a little odd (no offense), but I never imagined myself doing it. Hopefully, I learn to like it.
Anyways, let's get down to the nitty gritty. My name is Christian Rock. I come from Grand Junction, Colorado, from a family of 6 boys. And yes, I have no sisters. I am also a triplet, so three of my family members count as one person. We like to tell people that as triplets, we can hear each others thoughts all the time, which may or may not be true... I myself am the "outcast" of my family. While my family walked the path of athleticism, I went to the opposite side of the spectrum, and took up music. I was never good at sports, or maybe I just didn't put enough effort, but I quit early on regardless. I don't regret it, I love music. And I'll always be about to carry it around with me, no matter how old I get. Plus, it doesn't hurt amongst the dating scene.
I guess I'm supposed to put a story now, but I have a pretty good one. Back when I was in seventh grade, my oldest brother, Crosby, had recently sharpen an arrow I received after earning my Arrow of Light years before. We went out to shoot it, and we were having a good time. Seeing as how we were young, immature kids, Crosby looked at me and said "Christian, we're gonna play deer hunter. Start running." I played along and started running away. One second later, I found myself doing a somersault, landed on my back, and wondered what just happened. After I sat up, I looked at my foot. Crosby had shot me on my left foot. The Jerk! Luckily, the arrow only bounced off the bone in my foot, and did not penetrate all the way through. Regardless, we were both worried about what our mom would think, so we kept it secret. We told each other that the incident would not be told to our mom for 5 years. Let me tell you, that is no easy feat. But we managed, until Crosby spilled the beans 2 years later. Looking back, I'd say it was a fun experience, and it also gave me one of my best memories of Crosby later that night.


  1. Oh, I just realized something funny about this post.
    For those of you who get the reference: "I used to be a great student like you, but then I took an arrow to the foot..."

  2. Nice fallacy. Very current. Interesting how people love to just slam others just because. Evangelicals it seems like would rather support someone immoral like Newt Gingrich than an honest and moral family-man like Romney, simply because "he's Mormon".
