Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rhetorical Analysis

Before I start, don't you hate that awkward moment when you find mistakes in your Op. Ed., after you turned it in?

Now to the real deal. For my Rhetorical Analysis post, I decided to write on the essay, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" (which it seems many of us are choosing). It interested me the most, because it seemed to present a quite compelling argument...

Question 1:
In the case of this essay, the author is trying to persuade the audience that the internet is changing the way we all think. In his essay, Nicholas is showing that because of the internet's style of information flow, we are all beginning to think more sporadically, limited to ever shorter bursts of attention within single topics. Of course, there's more to the essay, but that's the gist of the intent.

Question 2:
This essay to me appears to be flowing with pathos. The whole essay is riding on emotion, using many examples to convey it. Imagery is a big one, by providing examples of how the mind changes with changing technology. More importantly for pathos, it uses all of us as an example. It shows us just how we're changing through different forms of media. And it works really well, since I began to notice it myself. Along with pathos is great logos. Not only do the multiple examples within the essay convey great emotional vibes, it also gives the essay more logical sense. With examples and stories, it's much easier to see the author's point through-out the whole essay. Quotes are also present within his essay, and that's a great way to display logos.

Question 3:
It's hard to judge an audience's reaction, since I haven't seen many people read this and tell me what they think. But judging by how many people chose this to be their article, I'd say it's a very interesting, attention-grabbing article. As far as I'm concerned, I think the article was very effective. It was able to convey a believable message that I had never thought of before. And it used great examples, along with imagery, pathos, and logos, to help convey the message. Not to mention the fact that while I was reading the article, I was literally beginning to notice the effects of the internet while simultaneously reading the essay. I found my attention jumping from place to place. It was a  bit creepy, to say the least...

Bonus Question:
I'd do the bonus question, but it's late, and I want to sleep. Sorry to disappoint.


  1. Yeah, it is kind of funny how most of us chose this article...but I agree. I think that because the author is so compelling and does such a good job, we agree with him. I

  2. I really like your insight on the bonus question I have never thought of it that way. Well lets get down to the needy greedy. I agree that it is hard to think of what the audience reaction would be to these articles. But it was neat how you dicided it was successful. I also noticed that my mind would jump from place to place while reading it.

  3. I like how you talk about his pathos using all of us as an example, because it really is true. I had to keep pulling my attention back to the article while I read because it kept jumping around, which helped to strongly illustrate his point. I wonder if he planned it like that?

  4. I like what you said about pathos, I think we all agree with that. Im not sure if i totally agreed with this article but your analysis of it has made me second guess myself. Thanks for the insight, and by far the best bonus question.

  5. I love what you said about question 3. I wonder if it was an actual rhetorical tool he was using, but I could literally sense myself jumping from paragraph to paragraph while reading this essay. I knew what he was arguing was true by the end of the first page, because I was experiencing it.
