Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My 3 Letters

Dear Judge Judy,
The reason I am writing this letter is to discuss the ticket which I was issued not too long ago. The purpose is to plead my case. This has been my 4th ticket, and license has been taken away. Although it is true that I was pulled over for speeding, there are some aspects of the situation that were not addressed while I was being issued the ticket. First off, I was passing through a school zone before the lights were on, so I was going the correct speed. However, the lights for the speed limit turned on after I was already half way through the school zone, which the officer did not take into account. Second, the officer who pulled me over told me himself that he was having a bad day, which is why we was issuing such a harsh ticket, and to make me lose my license. He said, and I quote, "My day has been horrible, and I want to issue an overly-harsh ticket. You're my victim." This was unfair to me.
I hope you can reconsider this ticket that I've been issued, and help return my license.
Christian Rock

Dear Mom,
Hello! How are things going on at home? I've been doing good. So, you may want to sit down right about now before you read the rest of this letter. The reason I'm writing this is to tell you that I've been given a speeding ticket... A 400 dollar speeding ticket... And I may have also had my license taken away... But don't freak out, because I'm getting the whole situation sorted out. The ticket was issued to me unfairly, so I'm going to talk to a Judge to get the ticket over-turned, and get my license back. Everything should be okay.
On a side note, do you think you could loan me 400 dollars?
With much love,
Christian Rock

Dear Fellow Classmates,
I'm getting straight to my point. I need you all to rise in rebellion against this ticket issued to me unfairly! This ticket radiates the audacity of 15 elephants dancing a ballet. It's a 400 dollar ticket that was given to me after I was halfway through a school zone, which the lights didn't even turn on until I was halfway through. Not only that, but the Officer that issued the ticket was having a bad day, which made him issue a much worse ticket. And to make matters worse, this is my 4th ticket, meaning my license is being revoked! This needs to be fixed! We need to get a petition starting, in order to show the Judge and Officer how wrong this ticket is in the first place. Rise up, and join me!
Your wronged friend,
Christian Rock


  1. I like the twist you put on the letter to Judge Judy. Its an interesting take on the letter and I would be curious to see what the reply is.

  2. I like your letter to the judge as well. Those are pretty valid reasons!

  3. Your police officer cracked me up, especially the "you're my victim" part. What can Judge Judy say to that?

  4. After reading you mother letter I couldn't help but think that there is no way she would not freak out. I know your mother and I think she would make you pay her 400 dollars just for asking.

  5. I've always wondered what would happen if you got into a school zone before the lights turned on. Hmmm...I hope that an officer wouldn't actually give you a ticket. And I enjoyed your letter to us classmates. It would be pretty audacious to see fifteen elephants doing a ballet.

  6. I love that letter to that judge. Seems like every time I get pulled over, a policeman is having a bad day...

  7. Great letter to the judge. And i like how you told you mom to sit down. And for the classmantes, REBELLION! Each one is so different. Good job!
