Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Library Tutorial

Believe it or not, I was actually doing some research, and I was only distracting a little bit by the iPads. But really, I want one of those things...

During Monday's lesson, I was able to learn some great links to aid for research. I have used the library's database before, but I never really went as far in depth as we did this instance. I actually now know where all the links are to databases that would provide more in-depth information on the topic that I'm researching.  I think the best one was the Scholarly Journal section. That is probably the most valuable database I learned to access. But it's not just about the databases. It's also about narrowing my search down, which I also learned how to do for the different search sites. That will help immensely with actually finding applicable information, and not the other articles that lures me in with a cool title. Even books seem easier and more accessible. I was never a really big fan of research through books, but the way the library makes it work is so much simpler. Though I still dislike books, I will have a better time finding them.


  1. It was nice to go more in depth with the databases. I'm also impressed with how the library has things set up so it's super easy to find stuff. I think that it's especially handy that they show you a map online of where the book is.

  2. I agree 100% about books. Unless it has a wonderful and intense story or is scripture, I'm no fan either. They're my LEAST favorite source to find for papers, but the library does its best to make it as easy as possible for us.

  3. The iPads were way fun (even though I went through like 3 of them because they wouldn't work). :) But wow, when I took the library tutorial, I had no idea they had that much info online.

  4. Yeah, I agree with you on the depth of the databases. It was always frustrating to see 20,000 results that barely dealt with your topic. Ill take 10 scholarly journals over 200 articles from Unicorns Daily. :)

  5. yeah... Im not much of a fan of using book either to research... in fact... i don't think i have ever used a book to find quote unless the paper was about that book. I alway have used website and always got my information from wiki(even tho its considered not accurate. :) )

  6. Everyone don't listen to him he was playing with the iPad the whole time. I do agree with the other stuff you probably made up though. It is nice to be able to narrow down our topics.

  7. Yeah it was hard not to get distracted, but I thought it was super easy to find the right sources. The hardest part of research is going to be finding all of the sources we need.
