Sunday, March 4, 2012

Paper Proposal

I apologize for the lateness of this proposal. I just couldn't find any topic that I was interested in. But I think I may have something now:

The topic I think I will be doing is Stem Cell Research, with something along the lines of it being beneficial, to a certain degree. I know that there is controversy on the ethical side of this type of research. I do know that this is one of those really big issues that a lot of people write about, so right now, I'm working on narrowing my topic down to something  that is more relatable to us.

I have not done any research on this topic further than what I know. But my stance is that stem cell research is beneficial for the furthering of medicine, and healing ailments. But the ethic side of stem cell research only goes so far. And there is a point when stem cell research is not ethic.

If anyone would like to input their thoughts, that would be greatly appreciated. I'm still having a hard time narrowing my topic down...

1 comment:

  1. As we briefly talked about in class, stem cell research would be difficult if you were looking at it from a moral standpoint (for example, "stem cell research is wrong" or even "it's good."). You will need to look at the potential benefits and outcomes of such research, and then take a look at how adult stem cell research is better for the system than on fetuses. Taking a look at a specific solution to the stem cell research debate will be your best bet. Let me know what you come up with after researching!
