Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blog Post Omega

Oh, goodness... these blog posts... I have never been much of a blogger, and I'm guilty of making fun of them before I started attending this class. But I did grow fond of them after Natalie started them up. I'm not saying that I'm head over heels for blogging, but when the prompt is right, I really enjoyed blogging. As far as turning assignments in, the blog did make it much easier. Assignments on blogs were easier to write, and I didn't have to go through the hassle of printing, which obviously is such a hard feat to accomplish. Mainly, I did it for the trees. The only problem is that the blogs made it harder to remember that there was actually an assignment, so that got me a couple of times. Most of the time, I was fine though.

Actually reading other classmate's blogs was probably the best part about blogging (if the prompt was awesome, of course). I liked being able to see what others were thinking, much like a "window into the soul." Seeing others blogs and opinions helped a lot with my other assignments and blogs as well. It helps to see how others are doing assignments, so I can have a rough idea of what to do.

But, alas, this is the final blog post of the semester. And thus we see, I was never a good blogger, nevertheless, the assignments have been completed subpar. And it came to pass that I shall move on, and hopefully keep my attitude positive as life continues on, and judge not others for their blog posts. So farewell, friends. Thus, Christian Rock ends. Adieu, adieu, adieu...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Website Analysis

The website I'll be analyzing is the Harold B. Lee Library site.

One thing to remember about this website is that its purpose is not necessarily to catch your eye, but to make research as easy as possible. So while this website isn't immediately grabbing my attention, it more importantly isn't making me want to gouge my eyes out and cry for help.
The most important things that make this site effective for its purpose is proximity, alignment, and color. Proximity for this site groups all the relatable links next to each other. This is very important for a research site because it puts all different categories in an organized manner. Links that relate, such as reserving a room to study, or to talk to a librarian, are put close to each other. With alignment, the text isn't just all over the place, but placed in an organized manner. That one is pretty straight forward. Color is the best way that this site organizes it's different sections. The way it does this is the color of its text, for both the headers and the text underneath the headers. Headers are red, bringing your attention to what the section is about, and the text underneath is blue, which are the links. This way, the information is much more organized. Also, the colors are not distracting at all.