Wednesday, February 29, 2012

20 Things I May or May Not Enjoy

  1. Politics
  2. The media's effect on how people view attractiveness
  3. The Space Program/Space
  4. The Gospel of Jesus Christ :D
  5. Today's Music
  6. The effects of today's music
  7. The falling standards of today's youth
  8. The internet's effect on the public
  9. Illegal Immigration
  10. Science
  11. Pirating
  12. Oil Reserves in Alaska
  13. Dating today
  14. The effects of Social Media on communication
  15. Effects of sleep deprivation (it's really late right now)
  16. Dogs are better than Cats
  17. Music in general.
  18. Cooking
  19. The effects of Video Games
  20. Women

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Favorite Movies

It's really unfair to make just one favorite movie, so I agree with Natalie when she has a big list of great movies. Here's mine:

  • All the Harry Potter movies
  • All the Star Wars movies
  • All the Lord of the Rings movies, more specifically Return of the King
  • The Dark Knight
  • Napoleon Dynamite
  • Nacho Libre
  • Hot Rod
  • Inception
  • Apollo 13
  • The new Star Trek is definitely up there.
  • Mmm... I'm sure there's more, but I'm having a hard time thinking of them

Changes to my Paper

1. There are some places throughout my paper where I get wordy, or I just remain unclear. I'm going to find those (after reading my paper out loud, and looking through my peers' comments) and obliterate the confusion.

2.Throughout my paragraphs, I'm missing a couple things regarding my audience. Such as why they care, or how it applies to them specifically. I'm going to add those where ever I'm missing them.

3. I need some page numbers and my last name with it. Not so important, but it's the correct format, and it makes my paper more aesthetically pleasing.

Love Letter

Keep in mind that I wasn't familiar with Charles Dickens' style, though I've read A Christmas Carol:

Dearest Cleopatra,

I reside presently in Rome, awaiting to see your face once more. This separation has made me rather weary, and the days go, nay, they drag by inch by inch, until I can at last board the boat to see you once more. I can only desire that you wish the same in regards to me.
I wait within Caesar's palace, where he tells me that a surprise will be mine if I wait but a little longer before I depart. I cannot tell him that I have no desire for his prize, all I look forward to is the time I can feel your embrace once more. Like three spirits of the past, present, and future urging me on to forego Caesar's request and return to you, I want nothing more to return to my love, Cleopatra, and away with this palace. Though the halls grand, and the wood laced with gold, all seems but dull in comparison to you, my dearest Cleopatra. I eagerly await the day which  I can return to thee.

Yours Truly,
Mark Anthony

P.S. Stay away from asps. Awful creatures those are.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


1. Their love was as official as a couple making their relationship Facebook official. Ironically enough, this couple did the same thing later that day.

2. Their love was awkward and thick, permeating the surrounding air, much like a silent fart on a crowded elevator.

3. They loved each other like a zombie loves to give hugs. And I'm not referring to a brain-eating zombie, I'm referring to a zombie that actually loves to give hugs. So yes, they really loved each other.

4. Their relationship was like my relationship: Nonexistent.

5. I could only describe their love like a brick loves a tree stump, which is probably not much to say the least.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My 3 Letters

Dear Judge Judy,
The reason I am writing this letter is to discuss the ticket which I was issued not too long ago. The purpose is to plead my case. This has been my 4th ticket, and license has been taken away. Although it is true that I was pulled over for speeding, there are some aspects of the situation that were not addressed while I was being issued the ticket. First off, I was passing through a school zone before the lights were on, so I was going the correct speed. However, the lights for the speed limit turned on after I was already half way through the school zone, which the officer did not take into account. Second, the officer who pulled me over told me himself that he was having a bad day, which is why we was issuing such a harsh ticket, and to make me lose my license. He said, and I quote, "My day has been horrible, and I want to issue an overly-harsh ticket. You're my victim." This was unfair to me.
I hope you can reconsider this ticket that I've been issued, and help return my license.
Christian Rock

Dear Mom,
Hello! How are things going on at home? I've been doing good. So, you may want to sit down right about now before you read the rest of this letter. The reason I'm writing this is to tell you that I've been given a speeding ticket... A 400 dollar speeding ticket... And I may have also had my license taken away... But don't freak out, because I'm getting the whole situation sorted out. The ticket was issued to me unfairly, so I'm going to talk to a Judge to get the ticket over-turned, and get my license back. Everything should be okay.
On a side note, do you think you could loan me 400 dollars?
With much love,
Christian Rock

Dear Fellow Classmates,
I'm getting straight to my point. I need you all to rise in rebellion against this ticket issued to me unfairly! This ticket radiates the audacity of 15 elephants dancing a ballet. It's a 400 dollar ticket that was given to me after I was halfway through a school zone, which the lights didn't even turn on until I was halfway through. Not only that, but the Officer that issued the ticket was having a bad day, which made him issue a much worse ticket. And to make matters worse, this is my 4th ticket, meaning my license is being revoked! This needs to be fixed! We need to get a petition starting, in order to show the Judge and Officer how wrong this ticket is in the first place. Rise up, and join me!
Your wronged friend,
Christian Rock

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Found Poem

Here's a great found poem. I hope you enjoy it (title isn't part of the found text):

Thoughts on Ionic Substances
a Found Poem, by Christian Rock

If the salt contains
a cation that reacts
         With water
to produce hydronium ions
and an anion that does not react
          With water,
We expect the pH to be
Such is the case
When the cation is a
         conjugate acid
of a weak base
or a small cation
with a charge of
         2+ or greater.

Kudos to anyone who can tell me what this is.